Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fireworks Over Portsmouth

I was told that if I started writing a blog - I would be instantly catapulted into incredible fame and instant notoriety..  Nawww - I don't believe it either ;)  What I do believe rather - is that I would like to share some of my images from in and around Portsmouth NH - and related a bit about how they were taken and processed - and a bit about my personal choices in post-processing.  So a blog seemed like a terrific platform..

The first image - of course with the July Holiday season - is an image of fireworks over Portsmouth. The exposure data is 13 seconds @ f/11, taken on a tripod - and manually focused before hand.  I wanted to show enough detail in the buildings (and spotlight behind North Church), while at the same time - capturing the fireworks themselves and smokey sky. The trade-off in doing this, is that the core of the fireworks loses some detail in the highlights, but, at the same time - what we really remember are the colorful lights from the explosion as they shoot out anyway - so, a great trade-off to be able to actually see the city of Portsmouth with fireworks overhead.

To get a better vantage point - I also shot this from the Sarah Long bridge using an 80mm telephoto lens. I found the focal length just about right, as some fireworks displays go higher than others - and 80mm seemed just about perfect - allowing enough detail is I needed to crop a little closer during post-processing.

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