Sunday, November 22, 2015

Audubon Tract

Over the past few weeks, I've been fortunate enough to go out almost every day and just "shoot for me". It's given me a lot of time to explore different ways to compose, shoot - and as importantly - post-process my images. Quietly and in private - I've also been pushed by a great Internet friend, Richard Adams, a member of the same cohort in The Arcanum  - as he has the same "lust" for pushing the envelope as I do.

Anyway, during the same last couple of weeks - I'm beginning to post process from a single image. Given the Dynamic Range of my Sony A7R (14.1 @ 100 ISO) , I've found it a much more complex workflo, but, at the same time - achieve wonderful results in images that have been carefully exposed originally. the image above is one such image.

This was taken yesterday at the Audubon Tract in New Hampshire. I was taken with the clouds, the soft warm hues of the marsh grass as framed by the forest and the play of light and shadows in that same grass.

1 comment:

  1. I can assure all that read this that I have looked upon meeting such a talented artist as John as one life's events that make me feel blessed and fortunate. Thanks for the help John!
