Monday, November 30, 2015

Old Dog - New Tricks

Over the past month, as some know, I've been working on my post-processing. Mostly with a small handful of folks. Actually, less than a handful to be exact. So - well, OK - about three other folks exactly.. ;)

Anyway - as many know, I've been into wildlife images since buying my first digital camera. I don't show many of them - it's just the "flip side" of what I do in landscapes, I guess?

So, here is one that I reprocessed today. Perhaps I'll post others in the future rather than my landscapes images. Just every now and then.. The image above is a single image from my Nikon D600 with the 80-200mm ED-IF f/2.8 at the J.N. Ding Darling in Sanibel FL USA.

As always - thanks for looking.

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