Monday, December 7, 2015

Clearing Clouds

I've been enjoying going out lately and simply exploring areas that others don't typically venture to given the accessibility or the difficulty shooting conditions. The image above is one of those.  Taken in Adam's Point WMA late last week, it is the smaller pond which requires a walk through quite a few brambles and wet marshes.

Taken with the Sony A7R and my Sony/Zeiss 16-35mm f/4 lens, it was processed from a single RAW file - which is becoming my favorite decision given my latest post-processing workflo. I do find that a slightly under-exposed image is the best to work from, as it protects the high-lights while allowing the shadow detail to be pulled without creating any digital noise or artifacts.

As well, I usually shoot only on a tripod and at an ISO not greater than 100 - which, at lower ISOs, the native Dynamic Range allows the exposure detail to be the best the sensor/camera image processor can deliver in the final result.

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