Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Weathered Coast

I took this this the other day and really wanted to try some ideas with post-processing a bit differently then I usually do. The original was taken with my Sony A7R and 16-35mm f/4 lens at Adams Point, New Hampshire.

Originally, I brought a single image into Lightroom - and made only a couple of very basic adjustments - exposure, highlights, shadows and Whites. I also turned off ALL sharpening - as Lightroom adds a 20% by default on import.  Next, I saved it as a PSD file and brought it into Photoshop.

In Photoshop - a added a new layer and started to pull curves and contrast - making it a bit more color saturated than I normally would, as I knew I'm be converting it to B&W and pulling only the colors I wanted to keep in the final. So, that's when I created yet another Layer - and converted that to B&W using NIK Silver efx.

Now - comes the fun part - in the Blend mode for that layer - choose Darken, and the darker colors will pull through. Next, slide the  opacity down for that layer - which should leave the colors you pulled the channels for originally.

Anyway - I enjoy the final version of this image - and hope you do as well.!

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