Sunday, January 31, 2016


Well - this is the first time I've shot wildlife this year. It's also the first time - I used anything but a Nikon (which I have abandoned Nikon for various reasons). It's the first time I've used an Olympus MFT to shoot anything but landscapes. It's the first time I've used a totally manual lens to shoot birds. It's the first time I've left any Sony body behind on a shoot...

Here is the story behind today...

I went to the Estuary at Adams Point in Durham, NH USA - and went to shoot a rock cliff that I've been meaning to shoot. But - I also took a lens that I used to use for birds - just in case I saw anything of interest.  So - walking the shoreline for an hour, before getting to the cliff face - I noticed an Osprey circling...  I walked through the estuary headed for where the Osprey was circling.  When I arrived - I set up..

So - while waiting - a few gulls came by, so I was intrigued as they dug up mollusks in the mud - flew up to about 50 feet - and then dropped them on the ice to crack the shells...  As one flock of 10-15 birds left, another flock moved in to resume where they left off...

These are from today.  Simple seagulls in an estuary. Taken with an Olympus OM-D MFT.  

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