Saturday, January 2, 2016

Salt Marsh

Taken today with my Sony A7R in Bellamy WMA, Dover NH USA. With the snow freezing weather lately, walking along the estuary shore and flats requires ice crampons of some sort. The difficulty with this image was not only reaching the area I wanted to take the shot, but the gentle slope from the forest leading into the area was difficult to get to as well.

The specifics of the image are Sony A7R with the Sony-Zeiss 16-35mm f/4. The exposure was 1/160 @ f/11, ISO 100 at -1 EV. Post processing was in LR then exported to Photoshop. In PS, I used NIK EFX Pro 4 with the ProContrast filter, added a bit of warmth with another filter - then bring the final image back into Lightroom. As snow cover takes a bit different approach to exposure and processing, I'm looking forward to shooting over the next few months in the "White Stuff".. ;)

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