Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Shore at Adam's Point

I'm just going to say this first...  The Arcanum rocks! What's The Arcanum?  Just go here: poke around - and unleash your mind. Anyway, as a Student, I had a critique from my mentor the other day - and it was a mind-blowing experience. He introduced me to another photographer's work, Peter Eastway from Australia - whose work is incredible.

Anyway - this image is the fifth frame ever taken on my new Sony A7R-II I received last evening - taken today in Durham, NH USA. It was post processed completely using the workflo that Peter Eastway espouses - using sets of layers and curves in Photoshop. I find his methods incredible, if you have in mind the final image before pressing the shutter button.

Thanks for looking - and I'm processing a few more from today in the same workflo just to see where they land...

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