Friday, April 29, 2016

Looking Glass Falls

As a couple of you know - I've been in Asheville NC for the past few days - so while I have hundreds of images from many State Forests, the Brevard area - including Pisgah, DuPont - and several others.  I'll share one taken this AM as the sun came up... As well - this is processed on my Surface Pro 3 Tablet - so I'm pretty sure I'll either reprocess it entirely or clean this version up before entering it into my next challenge...

Anyway -  I waited for a bit for the rays to strike the falls - and really didn't know it would take the effect it did. I had only a few minutes to watch it - and less time to capture it. It's a magical place...  How magical?

As an aside - up the stream about 50 yards, was a lunch basket sitting on a rock..? I wondered who had left it, as no one was around, and I was certain I was alone - as there were no cars in the parking lot? Going back to shooting and composing - down walked a young man and woman, smartly dressed - as if they were about to go out on a date (even though it was still very early AM?). Anyway - they walked the shoreline to the picnic basket sitting on a rock downstream...

A few minutes later - I heard the young girl shriek - and looking back towards them - she was staring at her left hand and suddenly jumped into his arms... Obviously - he had just asked her to marry him - and from the sound of it - she was thrilled... I raised my voice and bellowed "CONGRATULATIONS!" - and they both looked up, still embracing - and waved back with huge smiles on their faces...

Yes - it's a magical place... And I'm sad to leave it shortly...

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