Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Abandoned Shack On the Marsh

A good friend of mine keeps asking "..how come you don't shoot landscapes with any objects in them?.." Well - that's a good question!  So, I took this yesterday, just to see if I could compose a landscape with something aside from trees, water, sky and/or swamp grass.. ;)

As well - here is how I converted this to monochrome:

Open in the original in LR - again, I'm sort of stuck on the -2 EV image lately, but, well..??

Next, adjust ONLY the exposure, highlights, shadows, whites, and black - and keep the blacks just above the left of the histogram, rather then well inside...

Still in LR - we are setting up for the conversion - and I needed to separate the middle ground (shack) from the background - which was a case of finding the right color channels to pull..  As the shack was weather plywood (grey) and the background was green and brown - I pulled the sat channels of green/red down a bit..  I also amped the Yellow a bit (the foreground marsh grass). Next - I used the luminosity sliders to separate them a bit more...

Now into PS - and I used NIK Silver EFX.  Do the conversion - and pay particular attention to the color sliders to drive the final image.

Save and back into LR for final adjustments to taste...

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