Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Lighthouse

Taken today with my Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II with the 12-40mm f/2.8. While an overcast day, I wanted to try something I've been playing with on an informal basis - using the Hi-Res mode with a long shutter exposure!

To take this - I used an ND filter to bring my shutter speed to 1/6 of a second - and frankly, I'd be more comfortable with a longer shutter speed? You see, as the sensor shifts to create a 64MP RAW image - the longer the shutter speed - the less chance of artifacts from moving subjects. Or that is my theory.

In fact, even at 1/6th of a second, there were only a few regions with artifacts, and those were resolved using a radial filter in Lightroom and selecting both the Moire and Noise filter.

This is pushing the envelope a bit - but, isn't that what we do on the creative side of our lives?

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