Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Point

The Point at Adams Point, Durham NH, USA.  this was taken yesterday, which obviously was an overcast and moody day. During high-tide, Great Bay washes against the shoreline and given the wind and surf, erodes the shoreline, What struck me was the way that lonely hemlock just seems to stand against the weather - it's roots dug into the granite cliff face - challenging both wind and weather.

Taken with my Sony A7R, I used Sony's APS-C E mount 10-18mm f/4 lens - which actually works quite well between 13mm and 16mm. While there is some magenta cast color shifting in the corners, it is easily rectified in Lightroom. As well, you can use a single ND filter if you are careful about watching for vignette.

The image above was brought into Lightroom for basic adjustments - and into Photoshop and NIK Color EFX Pro 4 - and carefully adding a bit of dynamic contrast, tone and wamth. Then back into Lightroom for the final adjustments

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