Sunday, December 6, 2015

Beaver Pond and Why I Do Photography

I'm writing this mostly for me - but, if you happen to stumble across it during your travels on the Internet, perhaps you think the same as well? Honestly? I don't know... Photography for me - is a very private journey, but - at the same time - very "public". We take images, and post them up - and wonder how we "Stack Up" to others who also do this thing called "photography".  At the same time, we look at "Masters" who we all love and respect - and wonder. Can "we", as in you and I - "do that"? Create images of the same caliber?

How many of us post images hoping that the most recent image is better than the last simply based on the number of "Likes" (on Facebook) or the number of "+1"s we get on Google +? Well - for me?  I was doing that as well - up until about three months ago. As for me - today?

I shoot for "me". What you see in my posts, my images, what I post lately in the past few weeks/months - is "me". I think I'm all done trying to "compete" - and when I do stop trying to please a mythical audience and chasing "likes" or "+1" votes?  - The "my images" come out.

In my cohort in The Arcanum - headed up by a wonderful person and which has so many talented photographers - I have been challenged to put into words what I want or "need" to move my images forward. For that - I think what I "need" is to have the confidence to believe in myself and refine and work towards who I want to be as a photographer.

It really is that simple - and at the same time - that challenging.

I love my new cohort and The Arcanum - for, if you are in the right place both - you will shoot for "you" - and not compared to the other nearly 250,000 Professional Photographers in the USA alone.

In short?

I think I just want to "shoot for me".

In that? That is all there is.

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