Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Adventures in Post Processing - Thanks to....

Only a few days ago - I wondered about my future in The Arcanum, and whether I'd continue that journey. But, a few days ago, I was "adopted" by a new Master and a new cohort. In that group, there are a lot of posts - and if I could harness the enthusiasm as rocket fuel, I'd sell it and be a millionaire. So...

Today, for the first time - I showed some of the new post-processing techniques I've been working on for conversion to monochrome images to members of my cohort and my new Master - all of whom are awesome! Most of what I'm working on comes from a book "Oz to Kansas..." - by Vincent Versace - and it's not for the feint of heart.

Anyway - this is the first public image I've shared from my "new beginning". It was taken this morning and processed this afternoon.

By the way - I am thrilled by my journey in The Arcanum. Each day is a new challenge and a new learning experience - and it's truly a brotherhood/sisterhood of fellow photographers at any level.

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