Sunday, November 29, 2015

Morning Mist Over the Swamp

Sometimes, it just pays to be lucky rather than good - and given that I'm not very good, I depend a lot on "luck'.  So yesterday, on the way out of the National Wildlife Refuge in Newmarket, NH USA, the rain started to let up and it fell into a easy drizzle. Looking over a sharp bank, I noticed this swamp that appeared to be sitting still in time - as if waiting for the "decisive moment" to compose an image and shoot this frame.

Taken with a Sony A7R and the Sony/Zeiss 16-25mm f/4 lens - again, this final print was pulled from the -2EV exposure in Lightroom. From there, it took a quick trip into Photoshop for color balancing, dynamic tonal contrast and High-Pass filter sharpening.

While muted, as the heavy rain clouds were still overhead, I liked the composition and eerie feeling of the final image. I hope you do as well..

Thanks for looking!

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