Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Hydro Plant from 1913

Generator Number 1 - 1913

A few weeks ago, I was rambling about the area - and took a road that lead nowhere - or so I thought. It was in South Berwick Maine, and I was following down Leigh's Mill Pond to where it joined Great Works River. It is well off the beaten path - and certainly long forgotten from any "tourist map".

So I followed the road for a while - which had junction with a small road - with barricades warning to STAY OUT - BRIDGE CLOSED.

So - of course - I kept going...  What I came upon ultimately was an old sluice gate - well used and in a decrepit state.  And while photographing that, and old gentleman walked up behind me, and asked what I was doing. I explained that I usually follow the unbeaten path - and was photographing the sluice.

The Sluice From Leigh's Mill Pond to Great Works River

That gentleman's name is Ian - and he's been caring for the twin hydro generators since the mid 1970's when he arrived from The Hebrides in the UK. Turning 72 years next year - about 20 of these privately owned generator are under his care from the Canadian Border in Maine to Northern VA.

Anyway, Ian is a wonderful gentleman who rarely encounters visitors, so - of course he asked me if I'd like to see the interior, the old hydro-generators and what made them work... I couldn't believe my good fortune.

So - the first image is of one of the old generators. Put in place in 1913 - it has been rebuilt four times since. It generates about 25000 KwH when the pond is full and the sluice is wide open. But - today - the flow is but a trickle - but, it still feeds into the Maine Electric Power grid.

I'll try to share more images from this unique experience over the next few days. But - in the meantime?

My Thanks Ian. It was a rare opportunity to photograph and document part of our forgotten local past.

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