Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Walking Down the Crimson Path

This time of year must be perhaps one of the most beautifully picturesque times of the year. Walks in the woods, or along the streams and marshes reveal small pockets of color, that during other times - just aren't as dramatic. Anyway, this taken last week with my Sony A7R - post-processed from a single RAW file, as the overall scenes dynamic range just wasn't that great - and could be easily captured in the DR (14.1+) of the A7Rs sensor and image processor. The image was brought into LR for the initial adjustments, and then exported to PS CC, where I added a bit of structure (NIK Viveza) to localized areas of the image. From there - back into LR for final touches, NR and masked sharpening. I hope you enjoy this image as much as I do...

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