Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hurry Sundown on Beaver Creek

Taken yesterday at Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Newington NH, USA and processed this morning while waiting for the rain to subside long enough to head down an abandoned forest trail I've been meaning to follow. Not that I mind terribly shooting in the rain and cold weather, but it's raining too hard to see any detail in the clouds - so, I'll wait a bit..

Anyway, the image above was processed from a single RAW image from my Sony A7R. The trick to this is only gently pulling the shadows so not to induce any noise in the shore across the way. Fortunately, there was enough light coming through the tress on the right-hand shore to provide enough backlight so it was possible. What struck me in the image was the duality of dark vs. light of the single tree and marsh on the left vs. very subtle shadow detail of the forest/treeline on the right. That was countered with the actual light - the last of the sun in the top right versus the evening sky starting to appear on the left.

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