Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Focus Stacking and Other Silly Tricks

I guess I'm a bit of a nerd, as I enjoy tinkering with images and trying out new things. A while back, someone mentioned "Focus Stacking", and it took me a while to get my head around the concept - but, once I did - I was hooked. In short - it's taking a number of images with various parts of the subject in focus, and then combining them in software.

So, trying it out - we had a frost the other morning - and I took a series of shots (using a tripod) and started focusing on the middle bunch of flowers and working my way back. All in all - there were a total of 30 images. To combine them - I download a trial of a product Helicon Focus 6, as the results I was getting from Photoshop I really didn't like.

As well - one tip if you are going to try this - buy a focusing rail (some are inexpensive, too!) and don't forget that you probably want to use a higher f/stop, to be certain your Depth Of Field (DOF) and what is in critical focus overlaps image-to-image.

Finally - give it a try and don't be afraid to take more images than you think you might need! The cost of taking one digital image - or 30 - is the same ;)  

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